11 - 2019 | Hodges Roofing & Siding

Serial Roofer

Mid-Mo, 1976. Homes are ravaged by roof problems inflicted by Sergeant Storm and his Bad Weather Battalion. Meanwhile, at the Hodges Roofing headquarters, Greg Hodges, a mild-mannered yet obsessive serial roofer, is the greatest hope of defeating Storm and his henchmen… For he will become…


Savior of the Shingle, Rescuer of the Rafter, Guardian of the Gable, Defender of the Downspout, and Builder of the Best, Most Reliable Roof Systems this city has ever seen!

“This is Greg A. Hodges, A.K.A., The Gray Panther. I wasn’t always the Gray Panther. Of course, my hair wasn’t always gray either – that explains the gray part. But the panther part? Well, maybe it’s because I’m frequently spotted on roofs, prowling around for leaks, cracks, or anything else that compromises a perfect roof system. Maybe it’s because when you see me on your roof – you know you’re protected. When you need me, send me a signal at HodgesMo.com. Don’t worry – I only bite bad guys.”

Hodges Roofing, home of the Gray Panther! Keeping friends and family safe under higher quality roof systems since 1976.

Mid-Mo, 1976. Homes are ravaged by roof problems inflicted by Sergeant Storm. Meanwhile, at the Hodges Roofing headquarters, Greg Hodges, a mild-mannered yet obsessive serial roofer, is the greatest hope of defeating Storm and his henchmen… For he will become…


Savior of the Shingle, Defender of the Downspout, and Builder of the Best, Most Reliable Roof Systems this city has ever seen!

“This is the Gray Panther, Greg A. Hodges, keeping friends and family safe under higher quality roof systems since 1976.”


Detail Dude

Somewhere in Mid-Mo, a family is in trouble! The evil Sergeant Storm has sabotaged their roof with elusive leaks.

Meanwhile, at the Hodges Construction headquarters, the Gray Panther senses trouble and goes on the prowl. With his superior attention to detail, no roofing problem is too elusive – and the Gray Panther soon discovers the leak source! He pounces – Sergeant Storm is foiled again!

“This is Greg A. Hodges, A.K.A., The Gray Panther. I wasn’t always the Gray Panther. Of course, my hair wasn’t always gray either – that explains the gray part. But the panther part? Well, maybe it’s because I’m frequently spotted on roofs, prowling around for leaks, cracks, or anything else that compromises a perfect roof system. Maybe it’s because when you see me on your roof – you know you’re protected. When you need me, send me a signal at HodgesMo.com. Don’t worry – I only bite bad guys.”

Hodges Roofing, home of the Gray Panther! Keeping friends and family safe under higher quality roof systems since 1976.


Moberly Storms

Randolph County, 2018. Homes are ravaged by horrible hail storms summoned by the evil villian Hail Boy! To add insult to injury, Hail Boy then summons his storm chasing, fly-by-night roof repair minions to perform under-par repair work, then leave town, leaving residents short of adequate roofing and money.

Enter Hodges Roofing, home of the Gray Panther, the local roof hero who does it right and is always there when the citizens of Randolph County need him! His higher-quality roof systems and countless local referrals make the storm chasers leave town, never to return. The Gray Panther saves the day!

“This is Greg A. Hodges, A.K.A. the Gray Panther. Beware the storm chasers – roofing companies so-named because they only show up after a damaging hail storm, then disappear. Call Hodges Roofing instead. We give you our standard, higher-quality roof system that lasts, for the same money. And if you need to contact us again, for any reason, we’ll still be here.”

Keeping friends and family safe under higher quality roof systems since 1976!


Before Spring 2019

Winter 2019. Three members of Sergeant Storm’s Bad Weather Battalion – Sir Ice-A-Lot, Brigadier Blow-Hard, and Torrential-Rainus Rex – are plotting an egregious attack on the citizens of Mid-Missouri. Their plan: wreck roofs with snow and ice, then summon relentless wind and rain, thereby exploiting pre-existing roof damage until water enters homes and compromises structural integrity. But our hero, the Gray Panther of Hodges Roofing & Siding, is already aware of the dastardly plan and is ready to repair rooftops wherever he’s needed. He informs the citizens of the danger. Those who need protection ask for it, and the spring attack is thwarted! The Gray Panther saves the day!

“This is Greg A. Hodges, A.K.A. the Gray Panther. If you know your roof needs help, get it done before the spring storms come and we’re in the middle of a busy roof season. If you’re not sure, call us and we’ll inspect your roof; an ounce of roof maintenance is worth a pound of water damage!”

Hodges Roofing and Siding, home of the Gray Panther since 1976!

Mid-Mo, Winter 2019. Sergeant Storm is plotting a spring attack when he’ll summon relentless rain to exploit pre-existing roof damage so water floods homes of unsuspecting citizens! This looks like a job for Hodges Roofing and Siding, home of the Gray Panther!

“This is Greg A. Hodges, A.K.A. the Gray Panther. If you know your roof needs help, get it done before the spring storms come. An ounce of roof maintenance is worth a pound of water damage!”

Hodges Roofing and Siding, home of the Gray Panther since 1976!


Testimonial – Alan

“Alan here. Like a lot of people who received extensive damage from the hail storm. Because of past experience, I was most concerned about acquiring a reliable contractor and getting the work done in a reasonable time. Hodges Roofing came highly recommended. They not only replaced our roof, they also came to replace windows, siding, and gutters. We couldn’t have had a better experience. I chose Hodges, and I’m glad I did.”

“This is the Gray Panther, Greg A. Hodges, keeping friends and family safe under higher-quality roof systems since 1976.”


Testimonial – Dale

“My name’s Dale. We had a hail storm, came through Randolph County last summer, and we contacted Greg Hodges with Hodges Roofing Company, and he promptly returned my call. I am disappointed with contractors that won’t return your call because they leave you hanging; you don’t know what to do or where to go. I really appreciated the way they called back and they got on the job. I was quite impressed with the way they worked, their work ethic, absolutely I would recommend them.”

Hodges Roofing and Siding, home of the Gray Panther!


Siding 2019

Mid-Mo, 2019. Sergeant Storm and his Bad Weather Battalion have formulated a new way to deal water damage to the citizens of Mid-Missouri where they least expect it: their siding! Siding that isn’t already cracked, discolored, moldy or rotten soon will be. Where they can’t flood homes from the top, they’ll do it from the side!

Meanwhile, back at the Hodges Roofing headquarters, the Gray Panther is already several steps ahead, ready with attractive, sturdy, low-maintenance siding materials, a team of installation experts, and bulletproof warranties! The citizens homes will stay dry! Sergeant Storm is foiled again!

“This is Greg A. Hodges, A.K.A. the Gray Panther. The siding of your home is more than cosmetic – it also helps to protect your home’s structural integrity. If you think your siding might be compromised, send me a signal at HodgesMo.com. I’ll inspect your home and make the best recommendations tailored to your specific situation. Hodges Roofing & Siding, home of the Gray Panther since 1976!

Mid-Mo, 2019. Sergeant Storm and his Bad Weather Battalion have formulated a new way to deal water damage to the citizens of Mid-Missouri where the citizens least expect it: their siding! This looks like a job for Hodges Roofing & Siding, and the Gray Panther!

“This is Greg A. Hodges, A.K.A. the Gray Panther. If your siding is cracked, discolored, or moldy, I’ll inspect it and make the best recommendations tailored to your situation.”

Hodges Roofing & Siding, home of the Gray Panther!
